Cuatro Casas has all the amenities you will need to make your stay even more memorable.
Clean comfortable bunk rooms,(private rooms available) hot showers, great food, surfing, fishing, and more. There is even a concrete pad out back with a complete workshop for wrenching on the rigs. We plan to outfit the shop with a welder and some specialty tools. They can even perform flat repairs on site. The possibilities are endless here.
Please enjoy the photos and get ready to visit Camp4lo
Don't let the bear scare you!
Welcome in
Plenty of room to relax after a day on the trail
Clean rooms
Enjoy a cool drink on the upstairs patio
Soak in the view
Breakfast and dinner here
Monday Night Football anyone?
Need to wrench on the rig? Got you covered.
Camp4lo Bronco taking a rest after a long day on the trail.